
The Supporting People with Dyslexia policy is applicable to all staff employed by the Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service (LFRS) and to those interested in joining the Service as an employee.


Dyslexia refers to a specific learning difficulty that mainly affects the development of literacy and language related skills.  It is recognised as a disability and therefore falls within the Equality Act 2010.   The purpose of this policy is to give guidance to managers, employees and those involved with recruitment; promotion and training of staff about the reasonable adjustments and support Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service will put in place for a person known as having dyslexia.

This policy and its accompanying guidance will enable the Service to provide support to staff with dyslexia, and ensure legal obligations in terms of employment practices, are adhered to.  It will raise awareness of the difficulties individuals face and will provide a consistent approach around assessment, reasonable adjustments and the difference between dyslexia symptoms and lack of capability.

Legal Framework

The Equality Act 2010 includes a new protection against discrimination arising from disability and obliges employers to make reasonable adjustments, ensuring that those with dyslexia are not denied opportunities for employment, training and promotion.

It is discrimination to treat a disabled person unfavourably because of something connected with their disability (e.g. a tendency to make spelling mistakes arising from their dyslexia).

Under the Act a person is disabled if they have a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial or long term adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day to day duties.

Additionally, indirect discrimination now covers disabled people under the Equality Act. This means that a job applicant or employee could claim that a particular rule or requirement disadvantages them. Unless the rule could be justified it would be unlawful.  Therefore, LFRS should identify in advance the needs of both disabled employees and potential disabled employees, to ensure both have equal opportunity to progress their career with LFRS and to remain with LFRS as an employee.

The Service also must adhere to the public sector general and specific equality duties in terms of promoting and supporting disability equality.  This places responsibility on LFRSs to ensure that when delivering a service, for example, community fire safety, that it is delivered in a manner and method that does not adversely impact upon people who may have a disability, for example dyslexia.